I was thinking about that debate about etiquette and tradition in classical music concerts.
Under-the-collarbone violin playing
A few years ago I experimented with putting my baroque violin low, holding it as directed by Geminiani in his famous treatise: ‘The Violin must be rested just below the Collar-bone’. This position is fairly unusual even amongst baroque violinists. (It’s not so unusual in the folk world). I’ve since returned to a more usual semi-chin-off on-the-shoulder position, but the time I spent playing in a different way was useful, fun, and illuminating.
On telling a woman to smile
Here’s a post that I wrote before the pandemic. It doesn’t make me feel nostalgic for crowded streets and unrestrained pub opening.
My violins and other instruments
I play violins, and other on-the-arm bowed stringed instruments, and I sing.
Epiphany came a few days ago. It’s a traditional time to take down the Christmas decorations. I’ve been thinking of the work of previous years, when, after putting holly over doorways, I rescued some of the orchard trees from big tangles of ivy, making long garlands to run along curtain poles and around mirrors.